L'Énigme des Invalides

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 Sujet du message : 1840 !
Message Publié : 12 Fév 2007 19:54 
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Inscription : 14 Déc 2002 16:30
Message(s) : 15765

Napoleon isn’t buried at the Invalides in Paris.

Several indications (by lack of absolute proofs) allows to doubt that the body who was extracted from the grave in 1840 in Sainte Hélène, was that of Napoleon.

1° the mask of Antommarchi is a false one.

http://www.empereurperdu.com/amasque.html ,

2° when the burial was made, the urns who contains the stomach and the heart of Napoleon were placed on the corners of the coffin (witnessed by Dr. Antommarchi and the English Governor Hudson Lowe), but in 1840 they were found between the legs of the corps.

3° Napoleon head was completely shaven in 1821 (in 2 times) after his death. In 1840 Marchand talks about the hairs, who were intact. Some had even token a lock of this hair (the lock of Bovis)

4° Marchand left on the corps the “Orde de la Réunion” in 1821. In 1840 this decoration was missing.

5° All the witnesses of 1821 have noticed the presence of spurs. In 1840 no one was talking about these ! It was even the son of Las-Cases who stated that the heels of the boots were resting on the sides of the coffin. Question : have they evaporated ?

6° The sewing of the boots has not only deteriorated on a symmetric manner, but four of the toes who were nude, were sticking out of the boots. Question : where are the socks of silk put on the feet of Napoleon in 1821.

7° The witness of Bertrand in 1821 who mentions the strings and the plaques decorating the uniform of the dead emperor. In 1840, only one string passes under the cloths, and only one plaque, of course Have Bertrand made an error ? Strange for a witness who was seen as the most serious of those who accompanied Napoleon in his exile ?

 Sujet du message : Re: 1840 !
Message Publié : 14 Déc 2008 21:24 

Inscription : 11 Déc 2008 12:07
Message(s) : 1
Mr. BRH do you consider the General Commander of the Invalides is a liar? What gives you the reason to think that you have the competence to be the Conservator of the Army Museum? In your opinion why the French Napoleonic Movement refuses to use its influence to discover the truth? I am personaly convinced that Napoleon lived in Louisiana, because the WASP in this state had no ill-feelings toward the French Emperor and everyone in this region have memories of Napoleon.
I visited another website and I came across someone who dared to call himself "General Patton;" how dare him, this little frenchman, have the nerve to take the name of General Patton!? This person prevents all debate regarding Napoleon's death. He is not the only one blocking this discussion. There is also a large French Napoleonean association that does not want to talk about the doubt surrounding the body of Napoleon. In conclusion, I wish you good luck with your research and advice you to make contact with an investigative journalist.


 Sujet du message : Re: 1840 !
Message Publié : 21 Déc 2008 20:51 

Inscription : 12 Fév 2007 19:13
Message(s) : 56
Mr. Devarieu,

what do you mean with: "to take contact with an investigative journalist"?



 Sujet du message : Re: 1840 !
Message Publié : 01 Jan 2009 13:37 
First of all, I wish a Happy New Year to all of the Anglophones, to all the real Napoleoniistes, and to every person who engages in serious,historical research regarding Napoleon. The BBC and CNN have treated some great historical topics. Personally, I have enjoyed the reports regarding animals. A report should be done by them concerning the arrival of Napoleon from St. Helen Islands up until the return of his body to France after his death. The psychological aspect of each character surrounding him should be thoroughly analyzed. CNN and the BBC have excellent investigative journalists. They will carefully study the subject and recognize many inconsistencies. They will make contact with French professors and specialists in history to ask their opinions. They will also contact the Association of Napoleon - the refusal and their incompetence to be able to respond to their questions will be noticed by these journalists. Let me remind you that the basic Napoleonist is much more stupid than the average French man. The conclusion of this investigation will proove that Napoleon is not laying in state "aux Invalides" and the only way to arrive at this conclusion is for the French to open the tomb. I will also add that the Belgians have no right to express their opinions on this subject for they have shown their ignorance. A list of very bad Frenchmen will be given to these journalists. The incompetence of this conservatrice at the Invalides will be seen.

Happy New Year to Almost Everyone!

 Sujet du message : Re: 1840 !
Message Publié : 02 Jan 2009 19:24 

While reading certain Belgian commentaries on the "L'Enigme des Invalides," one could say that these people interpret history completely different. What CC understands is completely different from what the Joker understands, and this interpretation is completely different from the understanding of Luc Meaux. What this demonstrates is that the average intelligence is lost in your explication, M. BRH.

Regarding the mask of Napoleon, nothing is understood. The mask is seen by the British, it disappears for a number of years, and reappears suddenly in New York surrounded by great doubt in it's authenticity. This story is more amazing than the story of the Phantom of the Opera!

This subject should have been treated like the Da Vinci Code (...and it's not too late). The Da Vinci Code is historical, religious story. The author never seeked to proove anything, it's simply a story. However, the Catholic church felt obligated to give an explication regarding Jesus & Mary. In order for this subject (Napoleon) to be taken seriously, it is imperative that the questions come from the readers themselves. If this happens, then France will find itself in the same position as the Catholic church did with the Da Vinci Code...

I Have a Dream (Reverend Martin Luther King)

 Sujet du message : Re: 1840 !
Message Publié : 02 Jan 2009 21:29 

Inscription : 12 Fév 2007 19:13
Message(s) : 56
Re: Message from 2 Jan. 9h30


I don't follow quite the logic of your message. I don't want to interfere in the discussion about certain Belgians, because I didn't follow it and as such I am not able to formulate an opinion. But I want to ask about the comparison with the Da Vinci Code.

You say: "is a historical, religious story" and "it's simply a story". If it is simply a story, then in my opinion it can't be "historical" while "history" needs to be proven.

In fact I don't quite understand the whole message. Can you repeat it once in more layman's language for "dummies" like me?

BTW: We discussed the Da Vincy Code on the BBC history messageboards and the common opinion was that it was "historically" utter crap. If I have time I will seek the URL with the discussion.

Warm regards,


 Sujet du message : Re: 1840 !
Message Publié : 03 Jan 2009 0:22 
Citer :
If it is simply a story, then in my opinion it can't be "historical" while "history" needs to be proven.

Precisely, I'm talking about a story which contain historical information. The Da Vinci Code remains a fiction; and although it remains a fiction the Catholic church was obligated to justify the foundations of the Christian Liturgy. This Story horrified and above all terrified the Church. Imagine the impact and the repercussions if the research director of this website was able to create doubt surrounding the death of Napoleon. This is why I stated that this subject should have been treated from the beginning. Mr. BRH already has a complete file. The only thing that is needed is to connect these events as if the spectator is watching a movie. Imagine if you wanted to have a judicial injunction to require the Invalides to open the tomb? The judge is not a historian, mind you - he will react and reason like a policeman. If you have understood "l'esprit" and the direction that I have proposed the intellectual elite of France will support the demand of Mr. BRH.
The turbulence and the turmoil that France is going through today shows the need for it to find her glorious past...

With Best Regards

 Sujet du message : Re: 1840 !
Message Publié : 03 Jan 2009 0:42 
I notice that your English is very good - you understand the nuances; Where does that come from? Are you by any chance English?

 Sujet du message : Re: 1840 !
Message Publié : 05 Jan 2009 23:55 

Inscription : 12 Fév 2007 19:13
Message(s) : 56

thanks for the reply and sorry for the delay in answering.

If I have understood well your second enlightenment, but I am not yet sure if I catched really the drift?:

OUA 1er rgt marine a écrit :
Citer :
If it is simply a story, then in my opinion it can't be "historical" while "history" needs to be proven.

Precisely, I'm talking about a story which contain historical information. The Da Vinci Code remains a fiction; and although it remains a fiction the Catholic church was obligated to justify the foundations of the Christian Liturgy. This Story horrified and above all terrified the Church. Imagine the impact and the repercussions if the research director of this website was able to create doubt surrounding the death of Napoleon. This is why I stated that this subject should have been treated from the beginning. Mr. BRH already has a complete file. The only thing that is needed is to connect these events as if the spectator is watching a movie. Imagine if you wanted to have a judicial injunction to require the Invalides to open the tomb? The judge is not a historian, mind you - he will react and reason like a policeman. If you have understood "l'esprit" and the direction that I have proposed the intellectual elite of France will support the demand of Mr. BRH.
The turbulence and the turmoil that France is going through today shows the need for it to find her glorious past...

With Best Regards

Correct me please if I am wrong...
You seem to propose at our dear Host BRH to write some fiction based on some historical facts about Napoleon mixed with a lot of drivel to goad, to spur the uncivilized public brought into the mood with a clever publicity campaign. Or to led it do by an unscrupulous journalist? :grands yeux:

You want to make of our dear BRH a blamed and exposed crackpot? :11:

No, no and no. As I know our dear Host, I am nearly sure that he will always do it the honest and historical way. In any case, I would strongly recommend to do it that way, as it would also be "my" way. Suppose that later a "serious" public mistake him for the author of a kind of Da Vinci Code? Author, whose only goal it is to provoke people to start sensation and from that sensation and publicity make money... :louche:

Warm regards,


 Sujet du message : Re: 1840 !
Message Publié : 06 Jan 2009 0:00 

Inscription : 12 Fév 2007 19:13
Message(s) : 56
OUA 1er rgt marine a écrit :
I notice that your English is very good - you understand the nuances; Where does that come from? Are you by any chance English?


no, a "little" Belgian, who picked up some English here and there (par-ci, par-là/her en der).

Warm regards,


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