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 Sujet du message : Napoleon's escape
Message Publié : 08 Déc 2007 18:17 

Inscription : 12 Fév 2007 19:13
Message(s) : 56
http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/mbhistory/F223 ... ad=4859156

What do you make of the article in the URL in message 3 http://www.napoleon.org/en/... about the unintentional help of the British for the escape of Napoleon from Elba.

What do you make of the message 5 of "Eggroll"?

Thanks in advance for any reply.



PS. As in the further reading of the URL the book of Jean Tulard was mentioned...I had the pleasure to be able to answer on a message of Jean Tulard, who for a short time entered the BBC history messageboards, where I am already a member since more than five years. I don't think it was a nickname, while I suppose no one would dare to use a nom de plume "Jean Tulard" if it wasn't the real one? It was on 7/04/2002 in the thread: "St. George and the English" about national pride and all that stuff.

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 09 Déc 2007 0:01 
Sir, you speak about Jean Tulard - you must understand that this person is not a Napoleonist. He uses the name of Napoleon to make money, his writing style is very mediocre, someone who can easily be bought by flattery. Jean Tulard knows that BRH is right, but he will not do anything to help BRH to proove this theory. The father of Jean Tulard was an ally of the Nazis during the last world war. He invented a machine that was used in offices to count the number of Jews who lived in Paris. A large number of people lost their lives in Germany because of this invention by Jean Tulard's father. So you see Jean Tulard does not have the sensibility to teach the history of Napoleon and for his personal therapy he should have been teaching the atrocities that occured during the Nazi reign so that this sort of thing never happens again...

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 09 Déc 2007 0:16 

Inscription : 12 Fév 2007 19:13
Message(s) : 56

thank you very much for your reply. I learned a lot from it.

Warm regards,


 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 09 Déc 2007 0:38 
It's may pleasure, anytime ... :salut:
Out of curiosity are you American or British ?

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 09 Déc 2007 1:12 

Inscription : 12 Fév 2007 19:13
Message(s) : 56

Belgian as my friend the Baron of Percy alias Joker :12: Cheers, Paul.

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