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 Sujet du message : What's the matter ?
Message Publié : 18 Avr 2003 21:17 
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Inscription : 14 Déc 2002 16:30
Message(s) : 15721
It is a question for english people ! :2:

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 19 Avr 2003 15:01 
Technicien chef
Technicien chef
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Inscription : 16 Fév 2003 18:26
Message(s) : 94
Localisation : boulogne-sur-mer
? i don't really understand the aim of this post !

Il est des circonstances où l'Homme, si circonspect
soit-il, se doit néanmoins d'obtempérer à des
principes, qui bien que lui paraissant à prime
abord, dépourvus d'intérêts, n'en ont pas moins
leurs valeurs intrinsèques !

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 19 Avr 2003 16:15 
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Inscription : 14 Déc 2002 16:30
Message(s) : 15721
Humor and nonsense !

Just in order to try...

I am waiting for the right man in the right place!

And you are not english... :12:

In fact, Albertuk is this right man! But if you speak a good english, you can help us...

So, thank you very much!

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 19 Avr 2003 16:35 
It's too much !
The french people create now forums to speak together in English :15:

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 20 Avr 2003 0:16 
I am here !

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 20 Avr 2003 0:20 
But you are French living in London, thus you can write french as good as english.

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 22 Avr 2003 23:38 
Technicien chef
Technicien chef
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Inscription : 16 Fév 2003 18:26
Message(s) : 94
Localisation : boulogne-sur-mer
well i guess i can only be helpful for genuine broken english since i didn't practise for long and my english accent should be as good as the one used by Renaud in the movie "wanted" (which i found pretty fun )

so take care and so long


Il est des circonstances où l'Homme, si circonspect
soit-il, se doit néanmoins d'obtempérer à des
principes, qui bien que lui paraissant à prime
abord, dépourvus d'intérêts, n'en ont pas moins
leurs valeurs intrinsèques !

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 23 Avr 2003 0:42 
Dear Duke

Citer :
The french people create now forums to speak together in English


The goal was not for French-speaking people to debate in English (they already have a French-spoken forum for this) but for English-speaking people to debate in English about the topics in this web site.

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 23 Avr 2003 8:51 
Technicien chef
Technicien chef
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Inscription : 16 Fév 2003 18:26
Message(s) : 94
Localisation : boulogne-sur-mer
Thomas Duke a écrit :
It's too much !
The french people create now forums to speak together in English :15:

belgian people are weirder than french people ! i remember when i lived in the states i met two belgian people one was dutch speaking (allright "flemish" speaking) and the other one french speaking, and the two of them were talking to each other in english...never really known whether they didn't speak properly the language of the other one, or if didn't want to....

that's a pity this english forum have no palwritters may be we should translate some of the debates which were posted on this newsgroup (i may help but as i already said it will be in quite broken english if i warn the readers should be ok !) and send the links towards this e-place to the numerous english speaking site which already exist about napoleon

after all having some english fans of napoleon supporting our action will be great

Il est des circonstances où l'Homme, si circonspect
soit-il, se doit néanmoins d'obtempérer à des
principes, qui bien que lui paraissant à prime
abord, dépourvus d'intérêts, n'en ont pas moins
leurs valeurs intrinsèques !

 Sujet du message :
Message Publié : 23 Avr 2003 9:21 
Cipriani a écrit :
belgian people are weirder than french people ! i remember when i lived in the states

It's not necessary to go in the United States to see so weird things. In Brussels, some societies organize meetings in English between their employees and so, they discuss with the words they know and not about the important things.
I thougt that french people were different :1:

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