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 Sujet du message : Napoleon did that...
Message Publié : 23 Déc 2022 16:06 
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Inscription : 14 Déc 2002 16:30
Message(s) : 15765

Anonyme asked:
Wait so what's the whole controversy with Napoleon's death mask? Is there talks of the death mask not being Napoleon's face?!
There are two death masks that look nothing like each other. So, the “official” death mask is called the Antommarchi Mask. It’s this one:

And then there is this other mask, called the RUSI mask. It’s this one:

Okay, so as you can see, these are not the same faces.

Here’s where it gets complicated. There are different theories and different people who say the Antommarchi one is legit, others think the Rusi mask is legit. The one that is in most museums, one’s you can purchase copies of for your very own to love and cherish is the Antommarchi mask. But it’s not without some skepticism. It’s a bit complicated (or a lot), so I’ll try to sum up here as best as I can and not bog you down.

Antommarchi’s mask was supposedly taken right after Napoleon’s death. But Antommarchi is also a liar and a schmuck. But people looked at this mask and said, hey, Napoleon died at 51, why does this mask look so young? The explanation has been, well you know, he had cancer, a disease that wastes people away. He had lost weight which gave him the more younger look of Napoleon than was at his death. But then people said, well, okay, but Napoleon was fat, this dude isn’t fat. And again, cancer is used to explain that.

These people turned to the RUSI mask and said “oh look, this looks like Napoleon.” For one, he’s old-ish. Two, he’s puffy (aka fat). Three, Jerome, Napoleon’s brother confirmed that the RUSI mask was his brother and NOT the Antommarchi one.

It’s still up in the air to decide which is Napoleon. Another theory is that masks were made from masks, hence, copies from the original and that the copies would be not as accurate as the original master copy. Also, there were different masks made of Napoleon besides Antommarchi’s, and there is some belief that the longer Napoleon had been dead, the muscles in the body would have relaxed or slid or whatever giving the face a different appearance. Also, different materials were used on the different masks and perhaps that gave the faces different looks.

So IF the Antommarchi is not Napoleon, who is it? Theory has that it’s Cipriani. Who the WTF is Cipriani? Napoleon’s Corsican butler who was on St. Helena, died shortly before Napoleon and then, sadly, his body was buried and never found again. Rumor has it it’s under some road on St. Helena. Question still is, why would they take a death mask of Cipriani? If you watch the movie Monsieur N, you’ll see all about Cipriani and Napoleon.

I don’t know. The Antommarchi so far is the one in most museums, but I have seen serious historians also disclaim it and point to the RUSI one as the legit one. There’s no doubt that the RUSI mask does hold some Bonaparte looks. Or maybe they’re both legit. I’ll admit, the RUSI mask is a bit fug, I know, I agree. Maybe that’s why it’s not as popular.

For nightmares and giggles: Here’s Napoleon’s face recreated from the RUSI mask:

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